Soul Mates?? What are they?? What are they supposed to be?? Well to me, Soul Mates (or as I like to call them "SMs") do exist, but there is more than one SM for everyone. Its up to us to find one of them and to find the one that we are most compatible with. You can have a SM and not be compatible enough with them. I mean come on, everyone is different, but you find someone who is just right for you, but then you find some else who is just right for you. You know it, your friends know it, even your pet can see the twinkle in your eye and the desire to walk Fido more. Now I ran across two sure SMs and one maybe (because I am currently in a relationship with him) and I believe, no, I know, that these two will always be a SMs and why the 3rd one is making him self one. Now these are just my experiences and this is how I feel about SMs. I'm not trying to get anyone to believe what I believe if you don't believe in SMs but if you do then enjoy. I'm going to us initals for these men:
C.C.- This guy I have been friends with for year...I mean years, 6-7 to be exact, and not once have we been together but we love eachother like we have been newlywed for almost 6-7 years. Him and I have had falling outs but have always found our way back to eachother. We have shared stories, I have shared tears, and we have shared almost 7 years of life together with eachother and I wouldn't trade our friendship and how long we have waited for eachother for anything in the world. If we don't get together than that with fine, if we do than that is exellent, but I love our friendship just as it it was a relationship, but if the stars aligned right and O'Ryan's belt got
tighter than I would skip, hop, and jump to the occiasion.
A.L.- This one will forever be a SM and I don't care what anyone says or try to convice me to think. I Love him very much with a fire that will never cease no matter who comes along. We were together, broke up, built 5 years of love for eachother, got back together, then broke up again. We have our backs to eachother and know that we can never be with each other again, but if things were perfect and if this was a perfect world and everyone was perfect than we would be together perfectly and the ideal definition of SMs. My love travels like water for A.L and it will never run dry.
C.R.-Last but not least is the man I am currently with right now. I feel so lucky to have him in my life and he feels lucky to have me. We have been through up and down so far and we know more is to coming. We are on the borderline of believing strongly that we are SMs and knowing we are SMs. We cater to eachothers wants, needs, and desires to the best of our ablities and we understand that we are not perfect. He reaches for me, like I reach for him. We give 100% to our relationship as inviduals so that we make 200% as an couple so that we are above all of the rest. We laugh, goof around, and just have that friendship that is a huge inside joke that only we two can laugh at. Happiness and comfort comes naturally for us and we welcome it with open arms through all of the pain the day might have caused. We just go through it then at night we lay in eachothers arms like nothing happened and we are ready for the next journey the next day. We understand that the hard time are just that, hard times, and we go in to it with me holding on to his arm, as his lady, and happy to say that I am going to make it through this with my man. We know what eachother are thinking and we know when the other is not good. We finish eachother's thoughts like its second nature and we pluck the strings on eachother's harp that is the hearts within our very own bodies. If the stars have aligned prefectly and O'Ryan tightened his belt perfectly then maybe, just maybe C.R. can be my perfect SM. We have to be..its the 11th commandment.
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